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Does the cup shape the water, or the water shapes the cup?


The Water Bodies is a series that reinterprets tarot cards from a semiotic perspective, offering a reconsideration and visual rendition of tarot interpretations.


The visual system of The Water Bodies is set between the contradiction and connection of two and three dimensions, closely intertwined with the characteristics of tarot interpretation and the trichotomy of semiotics, forming three sets of contrasting relationships:


Tarot: Abstract visual on cards - Specific event in interpretation


Peircean semiotics: Sign - Interpretant


The Water Bodies: Two-dimensional lines - Three-dimensional liquid form


From the abstractness and uncertainty of tarot cards, specific and unique events are interpreted. The semiotic process inherent in tarot is presented visually as a two-dimensional line (Sign) holding a three-dimensional water form (Interpretant). This contrast between two and three dimensions is established as the visual logic of The Water Bodies and serves as the foundation for subsequent visual derivations of each card.


In objective reality, events occur first, and people abstractly transform them into artistic expressions. However, in the process of tarot activities, the abstract expressions as signs exist on the cards first, and then people interpret them into specific events.


This is similar to how, in reality, the cup shapes the form of the water. In The Water Bodies, however, the water shapes the concept of the cup in the human mind.


When water does not interact with the lines, the abstract lines can be interpreted as anything. But once water comes into play, the limitless possibilities of interpreting the lines collapse into one interpretation: the outline cups.





















In Pierce's semiotic theory, there is a triadic model composed of three elements: the sign, the interpretant, and the object.


This model corresponds to the three elements in this work: the two-dimensional lines, the animation of water flowing in the cup (idea of a cup formed in the human brain), and the three-dimensional cup.


Based on the Pierce semiotic model, this project reshapes the tarot card visuals to explore how abstract visual symbols are given meaning in the creative process and how they are interpreted in the viewer's mind.

在皮尔斯的符号学理论中,存在由符号(Sign)、解释项 (Interpretant)、对象 (Object) 三者构成的三元模型。



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